
Mga Taong Napadpad sa Dog House ni Poppe:

Huwebes, Agosto 2, 2012


Recently I've been very busy meeting up all the deadlines of the different requirements in our school so I don't have much time writing some poetic notes that could make someone feel what I really feel inside but tonight I'm in the mood to make some notes so here it is...

In a very small place in this world,
it's a wonder how my hand couldn't
reach you...

It's a wonder how I couldn't
sit by your side and it's
a wonder how I can't whisper
to your ears...

It's a very small place yet
I could feel like there's
a real big space between the two of us...

It's like we're magnets with the same poles,
It's like we're two different directions,
It's like you're the start of the road
and I'm the end..
and most of all it feels like you
and me are not in the same small place. anymore...

It's worst because
seeing you very near makes me
feel like you're an apparition,
like you are something that
can be seen yet too hard to
get in touch with...

But it's not you that
i hate, it's the distance
that keeps on getting between the two us,
it's like a force that stops us,
a comma between two numbers,
a space between words,
and most of all it's like
a mirror between two touching hands....

But what I hate the
most is myself,
because I'm too weak
to break those barriers...

I can't erase the comma
because the value will not be the same again,
I can't backspace those words
because it will give a different meaning,
and most of all I can't break
the mirror because it will wound me...

Because I'm afraid that if
I destroy those barriers,
I would value you more than my life,
I'm afraid to replace the meaning of my life
and make it yours,
and most of all I'm afraid to get hurt,
because of my fear of knowing the truth,
the truth that maybe it's only me
who tries to get closer to you
and you're trying to get
closer to someone else....

But I learned that
In this very small place,
There are other people who exist,
It's not just you and me,
but in this small place the fact
that hurts me the most is
that it's only you I see
and i hate it when the distance
between you and me
is created by me as a defense
to  avoid future destruction
of my pride...

P.S. Ito muna ang aking ipopost sapagkat hindi dapatako maubusan ng ipopost..hanggang sa muli 'wag niyong kalilmutang malaya kayong kumahol sa mga post ko..:D

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